Sammy Sosa Defends Skin Bleaching Against Detractors

Sammy Sosa is defending his personal choices (such as his highly-discussed skin bleaching) against detractors, stating that it’s his life and there’s nothing we can do about how he chooses to live it. The former MLB player was interviewed by Sports Illustrated at the Burj Al Arab Jumeriah hotel in Dubai; he is a resident of the United Arab Emirates.

“Look at what I am today,” Sosa said while pointing at all of the treasures that surrounded him. “This is my life, and I don’t take garbage from nobody. I do whatever I want.”

In 2009, Sosa discussed that he was using a skin bleaching cream to “soften” his skin. Throughout the years, his originally dark skin tone has made a dramatic shift in pigmentation, and he appears to get lighter. Many believe that he was ashamed of his dark skin, however, Sosa insists isn’t the case.

Sosa’s 21-year-old son Junior was asked by the sports publication about how his father is able to shrug off negativity. He admitted that the elder Sosa is not very open, so he’s not fully sure how he’s feeling about the comments regarding his skin.

“It doesn’t affect him, but I’m sure he feels a certain way,” Junior said. “Like, ‘Man, I gave so many years and so much hard work for you guys, and now you want to undermine all that because of some decisions I’m making — some personal decisions that don’t affect you at all?’”

“He’s a really closed-off person, even with me,” he continued. “He doesn’t mean to be. There are some things I don’t know about my dad that I wonder about.”
