In addition to her balls-out cray-cray interview in Allure, Ashley Greene also managed to wrangle herself onto the cover of the November issue of Blackbook Magazine. Really? Her? Was Kate Bosworth not available again? I personally don’t think that Ashley is all that a bag of chips, but I “get” her appeal to certain guys – she’s the haughty bitch-type, right? Some men love that kind of girl. Men like Joe Jonas. LOL. Anyway, Ashley’s Blackbook interview isn’t even half as eye-roll-inducing as her Allure profile, but there are still some decent quotes:
Ashley’s appearance in the Sports Illustrated’s 2010 Swimsuit issue: That’s Ms. Greene inside, wearing nothing at all, her body a marvel in the ’90s-era supermodel mold. “My team asked them to go easy on the Photoshop,” she says. “I’m not perfect, I have flaws.” Perhaps they lie beneath the pink, scaly bikini that was painted onto her muscular form. “I painted it on myself,” she jokes. “Actually, it took 12 hours, and the artists are amazing. I was debating whether or not to do it, but I talked to my dad. I thought it was very beautiful and artistic.” She readily admits to harboring ulterior motives, though: “It had a really good response. I think it was actually a good thing in that it made my audience more broad.”
She’s disciplined and her dad’s a Marine: “My dad used to be in the Marines, so no one is going to give him flack,” Greene says. She and her brother were raised with SEAL Team Six strictness in Florida. (Her father now owns a concrete business, and her mother works in insurance.) “At 14, I was being a little brat. I thought I knew everything, and my dad was like, ‘I own your bed, your TV, everything.’ At the time I was annoyed, but I’m very thankful because he worked really hard to provide for us. There was a lot of discipline, and with what I’m doing now, I’m glad for it.”
She’s sporty: “Growing up I was very competitive with my brother,” she says. “He did martial arts, and I was a tomboy. I got into martial arts and won medals.” Odds are good that one of them was a Purple Heart. “Once on the trampoline, I hit my leg and it just snapped,” the former cheerleader says. “They put pins in it.” Restrained in what nearly amounted to a full-body cast, Greene managed to re-break the bone soon thereafter when her brother, off balance on roller skates, sent her wheelchair careening into a concrete wall. “I broke my arm twice, I broke my femur twice, I split my head open twice,” Greene says.
Doing the cover of Maxim: “I wouldn’t have done anything too crazy,” she says. “The thing I tell myself is, My father’s going to see this.” She knows that teen girls make up the vast majority of her fan club, too. And yet, she understands what brings home the bacon. “It’s important to have a male audience.”
On her dating life: It’s a wonder the aforementioned teens didn’t abandon her in droves in 2010 when she started dating Joe Jonas. (Whatever did happen to that promise ring?) Since their breakup last March, her love life has been the source of endless speculation—she’s been paired with everyone from onscreen afterlife-mate Jackson Rathbone to Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane. “I’m not an actress, I’m a professional dater,” she jokes. “I’m dating everyone! My brother lives in LA and won’t even walk outside a restaurant with me. He’s like, ‘I do not want to be romantically linked to you.’” But she’s quick to add: “I’m not dating anyone. I’m very focused on what I’m going to do next.”
She considers herself a teen idol, sort of: Greene knows that people see her as Alice from Twilight. But she also realizes how limiting that can be. “Everyone sees Alice as a best friend. A teen idol is an untouchable, unapproachable, amazing thing. The cool thing about Alice is that anyone that comes up to me is like, ‘I just want to hug you.’” Is that not also, well, a little creepy? “No, they’re not asking for a lock of my hair. They just relate to that character and relate to me, but I don’t consider myself a teen idol. Justin Bieber is a teen idol.”
She’s not thanking God for her success: “The first year I was in LA, I worked my butt off. I was in acting classes every day. I would rather pay money for a class than have nice clothes. If I hadn’t worked as hard as I did, I wouldn’t be with the manager and the agent I have and they wouldn’t have sent me out for this Twilight thing. There are roles I didn’t get and I was really devastated, but because I didn’t get them, I was able to do Twilight … If you end up unsuccessful, on the street with no friends, it’s probably because you’re a jerk. It’s not necessarily divine intervention. Your actions predict what happens.” But just like any good Girl Next Door, Greene counters all that talk about forging her own destiny with some good-old fashioned humility: “You can’t control if the casting director thinks you look like his ex-girlfriend.”
[From Blackbook]
Okay, I rolled my eyes at Ashley going on and on about how she’s a teen idol (only to deny that she is one a moment later) – because she’s a second string Twilighter…? I mean, I know the die-hard Twi-hards have strong feelings about everyone in the cast, but do most people seriously give a crap “Alice”? I also muttered “bitch, please” at the whole “dating” part of the interview – she wants so badly to be seen as some Blake Lively type of girl, swinging from high-profile relationships.
Now, I kind of like that she wasn’t all “It’s about God, my career is thanks to JESUS!” – it’s just nice to hear someone talk openly about hard work and naked ambition, rather than acting like they’re too good or too much of a hipster to want their celebrity status. That being said, she should ease up on the whole “If you end up unsuccessful, on the street with no friends, it’s probably because you’re a jerk” argument – some of those jerks do very well in Hollywood.
By the way, Ashley had another PR success yesterday – People Magazine published a “Caught in the Act” piece about how she and Robert Pattinson had dinner together in Paris – can you imagine what kind of fame-monster Ashley would be right now if she had gotten the part of Bella Swan? It would be epic.
Photos courtesy of WENN & Blackbook.